Cartographic Services

Sampling of KGS map products
Sampling of KGS map products including Miami (foreground) and Morris (background) county maps and ICA-IMIA awards.

Cartographic Services supports KGS research and service initiatives through design and development of KGS geologic maps and GIS data products through a combination of internal and outside funding, coordinating with research staff on collection and integration of digital field data, and disseminating the output products as digital data, web maps, and printed maps.

The Cartographic Services staff develops and implements programs and capabilities for geologic and oil & gas map production and corresponding geology GIS database and metadata development using GIS technologies, particularly the Esri GIS suite of products. Cartographic Services is responsible for all aspects of GIS data compilation and editing for county geologic map and GIS data production conforming to the USGS Geologic Map Schema (GEMS) and associated data deliverables for the USGS STATEMAP project, which funds a large portion of our geologic mapping. Cartographic Services is also responsible for uploading finished maps and data into the USGS’ National Geologic Map Database (NGMDB).

In addition to these ongoing duties, Cartographic Services is involved in other projects to upload linked citations to digital versions of historical KGS maps and map-related projects into the NGMDB, and to scan, reference, and digitally preserve historical maps and documents produced by KGS scientists and oil & gas industry sources. Cartographic Services also prints all “digital native” geologic and other maps sold by KGS’ Publications & Sale unit. Cartographic Services also supports KGS scientists and staff by printing other large-format products such as conference posters and non-CS maps and offering use of its large-format scanner for scans of well logs, historical maps, and other documents.

Cartographic Services occasionally takes on outside projects that fit within its overall mission, such as maps of the Kansas Flint Hills for the Symphony in the Flint Hills and the Flint Hills Maps & Education Program.

Flint Hills Ecoregion

“The Flint Hills with Prairie Areas”

Cartographic Services’ map products have won awards including the International Cartographic Association-International Map Industry Association (ICA-IMIA) Recognition of Excellence in Cartography Award, given annually by a panel of judges from the two organizations to two maps displayed at the Map Gallery exhibit of Esri International User Conference. “Surficial Geology of Morris County, Kansas” won this award in 2016; “Surficial Geology of Miami County, Kansas” in 2022.

“Surficial Geology of Miami County, Kansas” —2022 Esri virtual Map Gallery