Geological Survey Advisory Council (GSAC)

The Kansas Geological Survey receives advice and guidance from the Geological Survey Advisory Council (GSAC), a group that includes representatives of many of the constituent groups with which we interact. Its members also represent the various geographic regions of the state. Members serve three-year terms with the possibility of reappointment. This is an important group of advisors, and we rely heavily on their knowledge of the state and their thoughts about the Survey's activities. Although the KGS Director recommends appointments, the appointments are made by the KU Chancellor.


Tim Boese — Halstead

The District Manager of Equus Beds Groundwater Management District No. 2, Tim Boese also serves on several advisory committees including the Kansas Corporation Commission's Oil & Gas Advisory Committee, the NCRS Technical Committee, and the City of Wichita Water Utilities Advisory Committee.


Tom Christy, PE — Salina

The Vice President of Geoprobe Systems and a registered professional engineer in the state of Kansas, Tom Christy founded Geoprobe Systems in 1987 with Melvin Kejr. The company is dedicated to the development and manufacture of subsurface investigation equipment. Tom has designed numerous soil probing tools for vapor, soil core, and groundwater sampling. He participates in the Geoprobe research and development team and is responsible for probe deployed soil and contaminant sensors developed by the company.

Dave Heinemann — Topeka

A leader in state affairs, serving as a long-time legislator from Garden City, General Counsel and later Executive Director of the Kansas Corporation Commission, and as Special Assistant to the Secretary, Kansas Department of Revenue, Dave Heinemann brings a wealth of experience in working with the legislature and interacting with state agencies and the petroleum industry.

Beth Isern — Wichita

A petroleum geologist and the Geological Manager for Trans Pacific Oil Corporation, an independent oil company located in Wichita, Beth has served as Secretary, Treasurer, and President of the Kansas Geological Society, President of the Kansas Geological Foundation, and member of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists.

Senator Dan Kerschen — Garden Plain

Representing the 26th District in the Kansas Senate, Dan Kerschen has served in the Senate since 2013, having previously been elected to the Kansas House of Representatives in 2008. He is chair of the Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee and a member of the Assessment and Taxation Committee and the Ways and Means Committee.

Patrick Parke — Hays

Chief Executive Officer for Midwest Energy, Inc., an electric and natural gas cooperative headquartered in Hays, Pat Parke has been with Midwest Energy for more than 34 years. He has also served in a variety of Board of Director roles with Hays Medical Center Foundation, Ellis County Coalition for Economic Development, High Plains Public Radio, United Way of Ellis County, and Heartland Catbackers.

Representative Jason Probst — Hutchinson

Representing the 102nd House District in the Kansas House of Representatives since 2017, Jason Probst is the Assistant Minority Leader and serves on the Commerce, Labor, and Economic Development Committee and the Agriculture Committee. Prior to serving in the Kansas Legislature, he worked as a writer and editor for The Hutchinson News, covering a variety of topics important to the residents of central and western Kansas.

Mike Ramsey — Garden City

An attorney, Mike Ramsey focuses on projects involving both water and petroleum mineral interests, in addition to real estate, business and estate planning. Mike was raised on a farm and ranch near Garden City, and he continues active participation in a farming operation with his brother. Mike has been a past board member of Finney County Farm Bureau, Kansas University Law School Board of Governors, High Plains Public Radio, and Garden City Noon Kiwanis Club, where he served as president for a number of years.

Paul Simpson — Hays

The President of Trilobite Testing, Inc., and Monster Pump Operations, Inc., Paul Simpson started Trilobite Testing in 1986 and purchased Monster Pump in 2009. Paul serves on the advisory committee for the Petroleum Geology emphasis for Fort Hays State University. He is a member of SPE and KIOGA.

Tom Sloan — Lawrence

A former state representative from Douglas County, Tom Sloan is now retired. During his 24 years of legislative service, Tom was active on the issues of energy, telecommunications, water policy, and higher education. Tom and his wife, Gail, raise registered Columbia Sheep and grow hay, corn, and soybeans on their farm in Douglas County.

Julie WestHoff — Mission

A Senior Project Manager at Kennedy/Jenks Consultants in Mission, Julie WestHoff manages environmental projects focusing on soil and groundwater investigations and remediation. In addition to serving as Chair of GSAC, Julie also serves on the KU Geology Alumni Advisory Board and KDHE Bureau of Remediation Advisory Board. She has worked for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, various consulting companies (including Burns and McDonnell), and her own company, Prairie Environmental.