Geophysics and Hazards; Exploration Services
Geophysical methods measure earth properties to characterize features such as rock layer geometry, sinkholes, and earthquakes.
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Kansas Earthquakes
The KGS has compiled datasets and resources to help people learn about seismicity, including earthquakes somehow created or triggered by actions of humans.

Seismic Reflection
Seismic reflection technology has been applied to characterizing the shallow geology at locations that are environmentally contaminated; in detecting shallow subsurface voids that might be related to sinkholes, tunnels, or construction; and in mapping faults or bedrock surfaces, among other uses.

Water-Level Measurement Project
Since 1996, Exploration Services has managed the acquisition of data related to changes in water level and associated saturated thickness in the state's aquifers.

Surface Wave Research
Surface waves have been used in two distinct ways at the KGS. Vs Profiling, or shear-wave velocity profiling, evaluates the stiffness of subsurface material. Near-surface imaging is a method used to detect anomalies below the ground.
Forensic and Archaeology Research
The forensic and archaeology geophysics program uses non-invasive, near-surface geophysical methods to identify shallow subsurface targets.

Gravity and Magnetic Data
The potential-field database at the Kansas Geological Survey contains 72,000 line-km (45,000 line-mi) of regional aeromagnetic data and 62,606 gravity-station measurements covering Kansas.

Recent Publications
Open-File Report 2023-18 (pdf)
Time Lapse, High-Resolution Seismic Reflection Imaging (Line 1) of a Void in the Hutchinson Salt Beneath #1 Knackstedt Disposal Well, McPherson County, Kansas, by R. Miller, S. Peterie, D. Borisov, and J. Ivanov
Open-File Report 2023-19 (pdf)
Report on Feasibility Study of Regional Arbuckle Properties in South-Central Kansas: Now and Planning for the Future, by S. Peterie, D. Newell, R. Miller, and R. Mandel
Open-File Report 2023-20 (pdf)
Passive Seismic Characterization of High Priority Salt Jugs in Hutchinson, Kansas: November 2021, by E. P. Knippel, J. Ivanov, S. L. Peterie, R. D. Miller, B. C. Bennett, B. Wedel, C. Umbrell, O. Jones, and A. Hoch