Water Resources and Geohydrology
We study the aquifers, rivers, and streams of Kansas to provide a sound scientific foundation for water planning and management in the state.
An accessible version of the documents on this site will be made available upon request. Please contact the KGS editor at kgs-editor@ku.edu to request the document be made available in an accessible format.
WWC5 Water Wells
Water Well Completion Records (WWC5) Database
WIMAS - Water Rights
Water Information Management and Analysis System (WIMAS)
WWC5 Interactive Map
Map-based interface to the WWC5 database
WIZARD Water Well Levels Database
Water-level monitoring wells
Master Inventory
Central repository of the State's primary ground-water well data sets
High Plains and Ogallala Aquifer
The KGS has developed a variety of materials dedicated to providing information, data, and resources related to the High Plains aquifer.

Upper Arkansas River Projects
The KGS has engaged in multiple research projects in the Arkansas River corridor over the past several decades to understand the distribution, fate, and transport of saline water and contaminants in the alluvial and High Plains aquifers.

Kansas River Index Well Network
In the spring and summer of 2018, the KGS established a network of observations wells in the Kansas River alluvial aquifer. The wells operate under the Kansas Index Well Program to provide continuously recorded water levels of the aquifer throughout the year.

Recent Publications
KGS Open-File Report 2024-14
Update of the GMD3 Groundwater Flow Model High Plains Aquifer Modeling Maintenance Project, by B. B. Wilson, G. Liu, G. C. Bohling, and J. J. Butler, Jr.
KGS Open-File Report 2024-32 (pdf)
High Plains Aquifer Index Well Program: 2023 Annual Report
KGS Open-File Report 2023-21 (pdf)
Assessment of Groundwater Mineralization in the Upper Arkansas River Corridor, by D. O. Whittemore, E. C. Seybold, B. B. Wilson, J. J. Woods, and J. J. Butler, Jr.
KGS Open-File Report 2022-27 (pdf)
High Plains Aquifer Index Well Program: 2021 Annual Report, by J.J. Butler Jr., D.O. Whittemore, E. Reboulet, S. Knobbe, B.B. Wilson, and G.C. Bohling
KGS Open-File Report 2022-8
Western Kansas GMD1 maps, by John J. Woods and B. B. Wilson
KGS Open-File Report 2022-6
Kansas River Alluvial Aquifer Index Well Program: June 2020 to May 2022 Report, by J. J. Butler, Jr., E. C. Reboulet, S. Knobbe, G. C. Bohling, D. O. Whittemore, J. Voss, and B. B. Wilson
KGS Open-File Report 2022-4
Identifying Regime Shifts in the Arkansas River Near Larned, Kansas, by Ilinca Popescu, Sam Zipper, and Erin Seybold