KGS Publications
Bulletins — Publications in the KGS Bulletins series consist of extensive research works, historical documentation, reference works with long shelf lives, or bibliographies.
Educational Series — Nontechnical publications in our Educational Series provide opportunities to learn about popular and important topics in the earth sciences.
Maps — The KGS produces a range of maps, from wall-sized geologic maps of the state and individual counties to postcard-sized generalized geology of Kansas. Many are available both online and for purchase.
Midcontinent Geoscience — Our online, open-access, peer-reviewed journal publishes original research on a broad array of geoscience topics, with an emphasis on the midcontinent region of the United States, including the Great Plains and Central Lowland provinces.
Open-File Reports — KGS Open-File Reports, a collection of unpublished reports and maps, represent findings from research conducted in the state.
Public Information Circulars — Our Public Information Circular series covers a variety of popular and timely issues related to the geology and natural resources of Kansas.
Research Spotlights — The KGS Research Spotlights series consists of brief, non-technical summaries of current KGS research projects, recent journal publications, and other research-related activities.
Technical Series — This series features timely technical publications on research in subsurface geology, groundwater studies, energy resources, geology, geophysics, petrophysics, chemical analysis, and spatial analysis.
Current Research in Earth Sciences — A peer-reviewed journal that began publication in 1993 as Current Research on Kansas Geology. The name was changed in 1995 to reflect its broader scope. The journal ceased publication in 2018 and was replaced by Midcontinent Geoscience in 2020.
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