Energy Research Program
The Energy Research program investigates projects related to oil and gas exploration; carbon sequestration, utilization and storage; critical mineral exploration; and other future energy initiatives, such as hydrogen storage.
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Carbon Management
For two decades, the Kansas Geological Survey has been investigating the state's subsurface geology and industrial infrastructure to determine the safety and viability of injecting carbon dioxide from industrial sources into underground rock formations for long-term storage and to recover hard-to-reach oil.
Mining and Mineral Resources
Kansas has a long history of producing coal, rocks, and minerals of economic value.
Tutorials and Courses
Online tutorials and reports developed to support further research are free for anyone to use.
Recent Publications
Open-File Report 2024-33 (pdf)
Timing of Hydrothermal Fluid Flow in the Midcontinent Rift System, Washington County, Kansas, by Sahar Mohammadi, Andreas Möller, and Robert Goldstein.
Open-File Report 2022-2
Lithostratigraphic Correlations of the Upper Desmoinesian and Missourian Stages (Pennsylvanian) in Eastern Kansas, by S. C. Oborny and F. Hasiuk
Open-File Report 2022-5 (pdf)
Nomenclatural history of Upper Desmoinesian through Lower Virgilian (Pennsylvanian) strata in Kansas, by S. C. Oborny, F. Hasiuk, A. L. Layzell, and J. J. Smith
Open-File Report 2022-9
Recalibration of the Zarah Subgroup (upper Pennsylvanian, Missourian Stage) of Eastern Kansas and its Impact on Regional Stratigraphic Nomenclature, by S. C. Oborny
Technical Series 24 (pdf)
Midcontinent Carbonate Research Virtual Symposium Extended Abstracts Editors: Diana Ortega-Ariza, Ibukun Bode-Omoleye, Franek J. Hasiuk, Sahar Mohammadi, and Evan K. Franseen