Surficial Geology of Kansas
The Surficial Geology of Kansas interactive map and allows users to explore the geology of the state and includes layers for roads, Public Land Survey System descriptions, county and city boundaries, and more. The KGS also has a wall-sized print version geologic map of the entire state.
County Geologic Maps
Geologic maps, the principal source of information about geology and natural resources at or near the surface, are essential for evaluating natural resources, making economic decisions, and guiding public policy. The KGS county geologic mapping program makes basic geologic information about the state available to the public.

Classification of Rocks in Kansas
The Classification of Rocks in Kansas chart depicts geologic units that occur in Kansas, organized by the geologic time in which the rocks were deposited.

M-Series Maps

Generalized Geologic and Physiographic Maps of Kansas
The generalized geologic map of Kansas shows the geologic age of rocks found at the surface across the state, and the physiographic map depicts state’s the physical geology.

Gravity and Magnetic Maps for Kansas
Based on data collected through gravity station measurements and aeromagnetic surveys, these maps show variations in gravity and the magnetic field across Kansas.

Digital Elevation Model Shaded Relief Map of Kansas
This map depicts the gradual rise in elevation in Kansas from east to west. The lowest point, at 679 feet above sea level, is in Montgomery County. The highest point, at 4,039 feet above sea level, is on the Colorado border in Wallace County.

For more information about the maps available from the KGS, search our publications catalog.