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KGS Assesses Potential for Critical Minerals in Eastern Kansas

The KGS, in collaboration with industry partners, recently drilled and cored a well in Lyon County to evaluate layers of underground rock that may be enriched in critical minerals — non-fuel minerals and elements that are vital to electronics and other advanced technologies.

Airborne Electromagnetic Survey of Aquifer Conditions in Northwestern Kansas

Beginning in late May and continuing for much of June, residents of northwest Kansas may see a low-flying helicopter towing a large hexagonal frame, part of a project to map groundwater conditions in the Ogallala aquifer in that part of the state.

KGS Postdoc Wins Research Travel Award

The Buzas Award for Travel will allow KGS postdoctoral scholar Belkasim Khameiss to study the renowned Cushman Collection of foraminifera at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C.

Geologic Map for Lincoln County Now Available

Our new full-color geologic map of Lincoln County shows the type and age of rock layers at or near the surface in the north-central Kansas county.

Live Climate-Focused Podcast to Feature KGS Researcher

An interview with KGS postdoctoral researcher Malena Orduña Alegría will be featured in a live episode recording of the climate-themed podcast “The Sweaty Penguin.” “Understanding Water Use in Kansas” will take place at 5:30 p.m. March 25 in the Hawk’s Nest of the Kansas Union.

Groundwater Measurement Results Mixed in Western, South-Central Kansas

Preliminary groundwater level measurements compiled by the KGS show mixed results for western and south-central Kansas in 2023, with some areas in the northwest and west-central part of the state experiencing increases for the first time in three or more years.

KGS, State Agency to Measure Groundwater Levels in Western Kansas

A KGS crew and staff from three field offices of the Kansas Department of Agriculture's Division of Water Resources will be in western Kansas measuring groundwater levels the first week of January.

KGS Report Assesses Health of the High Plains Aquifer

A new publication from the Kansas Geological Survey assesses current conditions and trends in water levels and groundwater usage in the High Plains aquifer, the state’s most economically important groundwater resource.

KGS Scientist, Colleagues Receive $1.16 Million NSF Grant

A collaboration of scientists from six organizations, including the KGS, has received a $1.16 million grant from the National Science Foundation to implement and study the effects of a field safety, anti-harassment, and bystander intervention training certificate program.

In New Space Race, KGS Scientists Propose Geoarchaeology Can Aid in Preserving Space Heritage

Two KGS scientists and their colleagues have proposed a new scientific subfield: planetary geoarchaeology, the study of how cultural and natural processes on Earth’s moon, on Mars, and across the solar system may be altering, preserving, or destroying the material record of space exploration.

Media Contact

Julie Tollefson
KGS Editor