Position Openings
Professional Openings
Physical Hydrogeologist - Assistant or Associate Scientist
Temporary Openings
Student Openings
POOL: BESST Research Assistant – Federal Work Study Student Hourly
Student Data Entry and Processing Assistant - Search POOL
KGS Geohydrology Internship Program (multiple positions available)
About the Kansas Geological Survey
The Kansas Geological Survey (KGS) is a research and service division of the University of Kansas that investigates and provides information about the state's geologic and groundwater resources. The KGS has no regulatory authority and does not take positions on natural resource issues.
KGS scientists pursue research related to surface and subsurface geology, energy resources, groundwater, and environmental hazards. They develop innovative tools and techniques, monitor earthquakes and groundwater levels, investigate water-quality concerns, and map the state's surface geology. Their analyses, findings, and data are shared with the scientific community and general public through publications, online resources, and presentations. The KGS also houses thousands of oil and gas and water well records filed with the state over several decades as well as thousands of rock cores and cuttings brought to Earth's surface during oil and gas drilling.
The main headquarters of the KGS is in Lawrence on the west campus of the University of Kansas, and the Kansas Geologic Sample Repository is in Wichita. Between the two locations, the KGS has a staff of approximately 115 employees, including 35 student employees. The KGS reports to the Vice Chancellor for Research at the University of Kansas and has a 12-member advisory council to provide review and guidance.
Jay Kalbas is Director of the KGS, which has four research sections and several supporting units that provide public services and online resources.
About the city of Lawrence
A city of approximately 95,000, Lawrence is located on a rolling landscape 35 miles west of the major metropolitan area of Kansas City and 20 miles east of Topeka, the state capital. Home to Haskell Indian Nations University as well as KU, Lawrence offers the cultural and athletic events of a university setting. For more information on Lawrence, please visit the About Lawrence website or the City of Lawrence web pages.